
Welcome to Seedlings. Take a look at all our exciting learning!


We have had a lovely time celebrating at our Christmas party.

Any excuse for cake!

We were very excited to celebrate the upcoming birthday of King Charles. We made crowns and enjoyed some delicious cakes while learning about our King.


We are scientists!

We have enjoyed lots of different science experiments to develop our knowledge and understanding of the world around us as well as cause and effect.

Odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week

We have been learning about how to play nicely with our friends and what to do if we feel upset or worried. We wore odd socks to take part in the national campaign against bullying.


Trying a Nottingham staple!

This week Goose Fair is in town and so it’s only right that we sample a Nottingham favourite – mushy peas!


I’m a little teapot activity

As part of our learning focus we have been learning all about nursery rhymes. This week we practised making cups of tea.


Book Trust Book Start “Bringing stories to life.”

We were kindly donated books from the book trust to be sent out to all of our families. We really enjoyed looking at the story pack and meeting our new friend “Wiggly Worm” puppet.


Small Steps, Big Changes

We welcomed the wonderful team from SSBC into our class. They showcased their rhyme time session for our parents. We look forward to welcoming them back into the Seedlings class in Autumn Term.


Sports Day

We had an incredible time during our sports day session. It was so lovely to see so many happy faces enjoying their time. It was delightful hearing such positive feedback from the parents. Thank you to everyone who came.

World Music Day

For world music day, Seedlings had lots of fun singing songs and experimenting with different types of drums.


World Ocean Day!

In Seedlings, we have enjoyed learning all about the animals that live in our oceans. We also took part in some ocean inspired yoga.

Parents’ session

We invited our parents and carers in to share our learning. We enjoyed spending time with our families, showing them all the fun activities we do in Seedlings.