Year 5

Welcome to Year 5. We have lots of learning to share with you.


In PE we have been developing our communication, problem solving and team work skills while taking part in orienteering challenges.


We visited Into University to learn about the cities and culture of North America to support our geography topic.

Marvellous Mathematicians

We have been using the diennes to understand how to add and subtract degrees in angles.

Exciting Experiments

In science, we tested air resistance of different size and shaped objects by conducting our own experiments.

We are musicians

We have been continuing to learn our stringed instruments and are making fantastic progress. We can’t wait to perform to an audience.



Our new English text is Holes by Louis Sachar. We got into role as the characters and had a go at digging our own holes.

Reversible and irreversible changes

In science we have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes as part of our materials topic. We had lots of fun making slime and investigating whether we could reverse the changes.

Historical Investigators

As historians, we have been learning about Britain during WW2. Our DT project linked to our history and we made Anderson shelters. We also visited the Orchard to learn about life during WW2.

We love reading!

We have been enjoying reading for pleasure in year 5. We have a wide range of reading materials. If you are looking for a book recommendation then come and ask one of us.

Lunar cycles

We have been learning about the lunar cycle in the best possible way – with food!

Team sports

We are developing our teamwork skills in PE.
