Year 3

Welcome to year 3. Take a look at all our learning!


Continuing our geography learning, we have been learning how to locate countries using an atlas.

Wonderful Writers

As part of our English topic we have been learning how to write precise instructions. We followed some instructions on how to make a jam sandwich and had a go at writing our own. We soon realised how accurate our instructions needed to be when we forgot to mention using a knife to spread the butter and Mr Morris tried to spread it using his hands!

Geography Fieldwork

As geographers, we have been learning all about our local area. We enjoyed a walk around the city investigating human and physical features.


In PE we have been developing our throwing and catching skills as well as developing our teamwork skills to be able to play basketball.

Let There Be Light!

We have been exploring light in science. We enjoy doing scientific investigations and discussing our findings.

We are gymnasts!

Look at our fantastic gymnastics skills that we have been developing in PE!

Los helados

As part of our Spanish learning, we visited a Spanish ice cream shop to order an ice-cream using our Spanish vocabulary.

Opa! Here come the Greeks!

Year 3 enjoyed a Greek themed day to support their learning in history. We had a Greek feast, researched the Spartans and had a battle using the shields we created, played Top Trumps to learn about the gods and held a mini Olympics.

A visit to The Orchard

We enjoyed visiting The Orchard for our outdoor learning session linked to the Greeks.


As part of English, we have been practising reading playscripts with intonation and expression.

Making pizza

As part of our design technology project we have been making delicious pizzas. We enjoyed tasking lots of different toppings.

Class assemblies

We have been practising our oracy skills to present our learning to our families during our class assemblies. He have had discussions in class to improve our confidence with explaining our ideas and using a loud clear voice.