Physical Education

Our physical education curriculum is underpinned by the by the National Curriculum Program of Study.

Purpose of study

A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.


The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.

(National Curriculum 2013)

Physical Education at Sycamore Academy

At Sycamore Academy we believe that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is vital and unique in its contribution to a pupil’s physical and emotional development and overall good health. A balance of individual, team and competitive activities aims to cater for individual pupil’s needs and abilities.

Physical Education enables all pupils to work towards becomingindependently active, to provide them with the background skills and motivation toopt into physical activity as a lifestyle choice within school and the community.The school programme aims to develop skills and concepts in relation to physicalcompetence, health and related fitness, safe practice and personal-social skills.Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities also builds character, helps to embed values such as fairness and respect as well as fully equip pupils for an independently active future.


Sycamore Academy aims to enable our children:

  • To acquire and develop skills, performing with increasing physical competence and confidence, in a range of physical contexts.
  • To know how to select and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas to suit activities that need different approaches and ways of thinking.
  • To set targets for themselves and compete against others, individually and as team members.
  • To understand what it takes to persevere, succeed and acknowledge others’ success.
  • To develop positive attitudes to participation in physical activity.
  • To understand how to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Physical development in the Foundation Stage is about improving skills of control, coordination, manipulation, and movement of both gross and fine motor development. It helps children gain confidence and develops a positive sense of well-being. Particular attention is paid to:

  • Planning activities to offer appropriate physical challenges
  • Providing sufficient space indoors and outdoors to set up activities
  • Allowing sufficient time for children to explore the equipment
  • Providing a range of resources

• Introducing the language of movement.

In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 each new unit of work begins with a recap of the previous related knowledge from previous years.  This helps children to retrieve what they have learnt in the earlier sequence of the programme of study and ensures that new knowledge is taught in the context of previous learning to promote a shift in long term memory.

Each lesson starts with the teacher covering the key vocabulary and techniques that will be used during the lesson. The learning objective for that lesson will also be shared with the children so the children are aware of the learning in each lesson. Each half term focuses on a different sport with an end target result, for example, a dance show. The children are also aware of what they are working towards throughout the half term and encouraged to self-evaluate their progress.

Planning is used to:

  • Set clear achievable goals.
  • Ensure work is matched to pupils’ abilities, experience and interests.
  • Ensure progression, continuity and subject coverage throughout the school.
  • Provide criteria for assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning.


At Sycamore Academy we want the children complete each key stage with a high proficiency in each aspect of PE.  Children are aware of the link between physical activity and understand it’s significance as part of a healthy lifestyle and their general wellbeing.  The school achieves well in several sporting activities and holds the Sainsbury’s School Games Gold award. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities also builds character, helps to embed values such as fairness and respect as well as fully equip pupils for an independently active future.